Angels - Kolkata 10

Hi Everyone
Today’s visit is with the Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy. It’s very close to where I am staying so it’s a short ride by Uber.
When I arrive at the front door the Security Guard asks with whom do I wish to see I said Mausumi Halder who is my friend and the head Social Worker at IICP.
When Mausumi sees me she is surprised ! I am surprised to see her in a wheelchair. I ask, what happened Mausumi ? She says that she hurt her leg a while back and it is on the mend for a few more weeks.
We had a nice chat for a few minutes and Mausumi let me know it is now IICP’s Birthday. It’s been 50 years this year of helping children with all kinds of disabilities and all of us at IICP are very proud of that 1974 – 2024.
After our talk Mausumi and some of her co-workers took me for a short visit to some of the classrooms.
In Every classroom I visited the children had many classroom activities given by the teachers.
You can tell the kids love IICP.
You honestly can’t help but love all the kids and look at their happy smiles as you walk from classroom to classroom. I can tell you first hand that the children may be handicapped, but the teachers and staff work around the handicap and get the most out of each student to learn and be happy.
IICP is a wonderful place for handicapped children to learn and grow.
I am very proud Children are Angels from Heaven has been a very small part of IICP over the years and the work that IICP does for the children. It’s just a great place and I hope that it continues for another great 50 years.
Happy Birthday IICP
Ray O