St. Paul’s School - Wellesley, MA Candy Drive

Each year in early November, St. Paul’s School has a candy drive for my trip to Calcutta. This year the children donated 175 pounds of every kind of candy you could ever think of. It was by far too much candy for me to take with me in my luggage to Calcutta as I am only allowed two 70 lb. bags as luggage. I sorted out the candy for the children of Calcutta and the rest was donated to other places where I thought it would be appreciated.

The children of St. Paul’s school entrusted the candy to my care and I felt it a great responsibility to make sure every piece went to the right place. As it turned out it was a lot of work but I received many beautiful Thank You letters for the candy. Below is a list of where the candy went to…

Bravo Company #73063 US Marines, Iraq
Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, DC
Brooke Army Medical Center Ft Sam Houston, Texas
Landstuhl Reg. Med. Ctr. USA Med. Operations Germany
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston Ma
Childrens Hospital Boston Ma
Polish children in Krakow Poland
Nazareth House Boston Ma
St. Charles Children’s Home Rochester, NH
Hundreds of Indian Children during my trip