
Looking back at all my trips to Calcutta one of the greatest gifts anyone can give to a child is to help a handicapped child.

This year we helped two of these children. I will tell you about one now, a little girl named Dasi. I met her at the International Mission of Hope in Calcuuta a few years ago when she was just a baby. 

She is now at the Sabera home for Handicapped children. She is a beautiful child just like all the other children. Dasi was born on May 28, 1999. One of her problems was that she had one crossed eye.

I asked the Director and Head Doctor at Sabera, Carlos Duran & Dr Zarin Dadina if there was a way we could repair her eye.

Both of these wonderful people did everything in their power to help this little girl. Dr Dadina made arrangements at the Mission of Mercy Hospital for an operation for Dasi. After the paperwork was completed the operation was performed.

My only role in helping this girl was to raise funds from all of you to pay for the operation and her care afterwards. I am proud to tell all of you everything worked out perfect and every single cent was accounted for.

I tip my hat to everyone involved in helping this little girl on both sides of the world and ask nothing in return except a smile from a pretty girl. I would be very interested in helping Dasi find a home. If you think you may be interested give me a call and I will connect you with the proper people. 1-781-483-1002

All works of love are works of peace…
Mother Teresa 1910 - 1997