
Children are Angels from Heaven works very hard to help all children in the world. As it states on our mission statement – “Birth is not a crime.” We are a small charity but work very hard every day to help the poor children of the world. Children are Angels from Heaven is a tax deductable 501(c) (3) non-profit charity. All donations and expenses are reported to the Internal Revenue Service each year for review. We strive to make sure every cent of our donated money is 100% accounted for and reported to the IRS each year where the donations come from and where they go.  

If you are interested in making a donation there are two ways to do it,

Option #1  

The Best way to donate, is make a hard check out to
Children are Angels From Heaven and mail it to:

Children are Angels From Heaven
C/O Raymond O Brien
16 Bower St
Medford Ma 02155

I will send you a Thank You letter and a Children are Angels from Heaven 501c 3 Tax Receipt

Option #2 

 New this year donating with Pay Pal

This is a new way to donate. It is fast and all electronic. All you have to do is click the PayPal button and follow the prompts and your donation is sent to Children are Angels from Heaven.

Please understand that there are small fees to Pay Pal by donating to Children are Angels from Heaven this way. 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction and one other very important note is your tax receipt will come from the Pay Pal Giving Fund Not from Children are Angels from Heaven..

One thing I do request is Your Name and Address if you make a donation through Pay Pal by sending it to  after you have made your donation, so that I can mail you a Thank You card.

If you have any questions you can always call me Ray OBrien 781-483-1002