Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010

It was at this time a million people were in need with many killed. President Bush and former President Clinton were on TV asking for donations and help for the people. It was sad to see all of this in the media every day. I am a person who always said I would be responsible and accountable for your donated money. I did not want to send a check in the mail to an NGO’s that I did not know about. I also was afraid of scams and people stealing money from the people in need. I am very happy to write to all of you that I did find a way to help the poor people in a personal way.

My next-door neighbor Mr. Louis Jean and his family come from Haiti. They are all wonderful people and nice neighbors. Louis told me his family had suffered personal losses in Haiti and the country was in bad shape. He said when the airport opened in Port-Au-Prince he was going to fly there and try to help the people as best he could and also see his family. At this time Louis was very worried and upset. Louis is an older man who is very religious and a kind person to everyone.

I gave Louis $500 to take with him to help the poor from all of us. When he returned later that year, I was given a short report and some Thank You letters from people in Haiti for our help. I want to share them with you.

Louis had told me when he returned home Port-AU-Prince was very bad and many people moved from the city to the villages where it was safer. The problem was nobody had anything and it made it very hard for everyone within the villages.

Today I write all of you to give you a small report to tell you exactly what was done with the $500 from all of you and what Angels from Heaven did with it. I did my best to look after every penny and with help from the Jean family we did just that.

Please read the Thank You letters below from Haiti


Thank you to the members of Children are Angels from Heaven.

I thank all the members of Children are Angels from Heaven for their generosity, and I am very happy to receive the money that you sent. I will pray God to give prosperity to everyone in the group and I hope one day we will meet face to face.

Thank you,
Celet Carline

From: Eric, Peterslie, and Daphmine

To: Children are Angels from Heaven

Greetings, in the name of Jesus Christ we take this opportunity to write this letter. How you’re doing? How are things?

We write this letter just to say thank you for the gift you sent to us. We received it and it was very helpful. Thank you very much we will always think about and we will always keep you in our prayers.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Les enfants de Philipo
(The Children of Philipo Orphanage)

Good morning or good evenings to Children are Angel from Heaven.

Today I am very happy to thank you for what to receive I receive from you.

Daniello St Louis

From : Ninite, Ironia, Daphney, Louvensky, Norilia, Dalens, Sandley, Wolky, Damokles, Lomena, Eliana, Resavelta, Libotes, Meila, Belinda, Bernaud, Ivelt, Nery

We greet you in the name of Jesus and at the same time we thank you for the big work that you start with us in Haiti. We think this work does not come from only you but also from the Holy Spirit. May God Bless you, and protect you more every time.

We thank you a lot,


Today I am very happy to find this occasion to write this letter.

I hope you are all doing very well, and I am fine too in the name of God.

Today I thank you for thinking about me. I wasn’t the only one who received a donation, but everybody who did was very happy whith what they got. I thank you a thousand times for thinking about us.

I wish that the group will always be functional to help others who are less fortunate. I wish you could help me a little bit with my school. Please see what you can do to help me with my schooling I am in Junior high in Pilate.

I am praying that God will grant you more strength and good health.

Thank you,
Jackson Florvilus


It is a wonderful time
The grass is still green
The flowers are beautiful
The fruits are delicious

It is time to take the occasion to thank you with all my heart for your help.

I greet everyone in the precious name of Jesus Christ. The reason why I am writing today is to say thank you a thousand times because I was very happy to receive this donation.

Children are Angels from Heaven Nadege really thank you for your help.

So long, I hope you receive this letter with a kind heart.

Nadege Ifrene