St Raphael School, Medford MA
The staff, children and parents of this school have always supported Angels from Heaven. Over the years there have been many fundraisers along with donations given for the children.
Because I live around the corner from St. Raphael, donations are always left on my porch, everything from school uniforms and baby clothes to shoes. The teachers have been great.
Many times I have visited the children of this school to tell the children where I visit and to show a few photos. This year many of the younger children of St. Raphael made drawings for me to bring to the children in Calcutta. In my heart I feel it connects the children of the world to learn about each other, in some very small way making the world a better place.
Besides taking with me on this trip the many donations left at my door and the drawings, one of the teacher’s husband donated well over 500 new pens for the children.
It is great to work with people who love to help others in the world.