Stuffed Animals from Key Largo, Florida to Orissa, India – via Boston – 2007

Stuffed Animals from Key Largo, Florida to Orissa, India - via Boston

Last year I got a call from my cousin Laura Tutt (formally Mason of Medford, MA) in Key Largo, Florida telling me her daughter Tabitha wanted to send me some stuffed animals for the children in India and asked if I could use them. Laura said there were many of them. I talked to Sister Mary in Orissa, India about this and she said yes the stuffed animals would be very welcomed by the children. It was a matter of coincidence that a co-worker named Charlie Fonk was going on vacation to Key West and was going to pass right in front of Laura’s house the following week on his return trip home to Boston.

I told Charlie the story and asked if I gave him a big duffle bag would he pick the animals up and bring them to me when he flew back home. Charlie, being the kind of person he is, said yes, and I made arrangements for him to meet the Tutt family and pick up everything in Key Largo. It worked out great, as everything was sorted and boxed and sent to the Daughters of the Cross Sisters in Orissa. When everything arrived the Sisters were so happy. Some of the animals were used as prizes during the feast day and others were given to the children. It was a very happy day for all the children. Thanks to the efforts of Laura and her family and the kindness of Charlie Fonk.

Charlie Fonk