The Leo Club - Helping Children in Krakow Poland

Leo Club Members in Poland

If you remember in 2004 from my last newsletter, I went to Poland to visit the Warsaw Ghetto and then to Krakow to visit Auschwitz concentration camp. During this short trip I met a young girl named Paulina Pietrzykowska of the Leo Club.

Leo Clubs are the counterpart of the Lions Club who are known the world over for their good work to help people in need. I spoke about poor children in Poland and if Angels from Heaven could help them in some small way. It was agreed I would send donations the following year. I sent about 10 big boxes of clothes, toys, and school supplies to Krakow Poland for the children.

Katarzyna Horacek, who is a Leo member received our donations, and arranged everything from A to Z to get the Angels from Heaven donations to the children. I’m sure it was not easy and must have been overwhelming at times for her! She took on this job to help the children as a volunteer of love and kindness to help the children and as a leader of her Club. Katarzyna did a first-class job taking photos and even making a report to send to me when everything was distributed.

She was the person who the other Leo members worked with to help get things done. Your donations went to many children in the Krakow area. I am proud and happy to report back that everything worked out PERFECT.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Leo Club of Krakow, Poland and all its members as well as the supporters of Children are Angels from Heaven. This project could not have been done without your help.

I also would like to give a special Thanks to Katarzyna Horack for being the backbone of this project and getting the job done. You have proven to everyone at Angels from Heaven that you are a loyal leader of the Leo club and a good friend to the Polish Children.