A visit to an orphanage near Calcutta

The visit by ‘New Alipore Ladies Forum’ members to the orphanage was organised on 17th January 2016. The boys heartily welcomed the troupe with a lot of smiles and cheers. The ladies offered them chocolates and cakes, the taste of which is relished by these small children once in a blue moon.
This day might not have had any permanent happy effect on the lives of the unfortunate 37 children, but they did get to enjoy a few hours of merry making and treats, something for which all children across the globe are tempted and wait for. What more can a common man do? He does not possess a magic wand which would make this world a place for all children to live and grow with equal support and opportunities. Let us dream of a day when it would happen, and in the meanwhile, let us do these small bits for their smiles and cheers, however short lived those may be.
Dibyendu Bhattacharya
(Anwesha’s father)