Water for a Village

Because this small village had only a very limited inadequate water supply and people having to wash or get drinking water from a stream, Children are Angels from Heaven had a water well drilled deep into the ground at this rural village named Phalsa in Orissa India.

Sister Mary and Sister Rose of the Daughters of the Cross Sisters took the responsibility of finding a contractor, who had the knowledge and skills that could do this work far away from the city at a reasonable rate of payment.

The contractor was found and everything looked good.

I will show you the photos of the work that Sister Mary had sent me. It will tell the entire story. 

This was all done because of your generosity to Children are Angels from Heaven and the Sisters good work finding the right person for the right job.

In the Beginning we pray
Arrival of the friendly giant
Getting ready to drill
First the Dust
And more water
And More Dust
There is no stopping the water
Until finally Water
Phase 2 - The hook up
The plumbing
The Electric Pump
The Hand pump
The final results
Great Results for everyone