Christmas Gifts for a Village School in India

Christmas Gifts for a Village School in India

Today I would like to report back to all of you about a sweet story at Christmas for a small village school.
Each year for the past few years Children are Angels from Heaven, with the help of Anwesha Bhattacharya in Germany have arranged to have a beautiful Christmas Tree delivered to a few places in India where it was truly appreciated.
Last year in 2022 was no different ! 
Anwesha and I ordered the tree for a small village school in Orissa named St Joseph School in Gaibira. It is a wonderful school, far from the big cities.  Many children go to school there each day.
This year the Christmas tree was a beautiful 8 foot Premium Evergreen Traditional Christmas Tree.
It was ordered in early October and arrived by mid Nov 2022.
The Children were all very excited when the Christmas tree arrived at the school and had a lot of fun unboxing it as they had never seen a Christmas tree so big and beautiful before. 
Sr. Bernadet set the tree up with the Children to give it a good test run to make sure everything fit together ok and looked beautiful, for Christmas the following month in Dec. 
 Everything worked out Perfect ! 
Along with the Christmas tree for Christmas, Children are Angels From Heaven sent from here in the USA 38 Teachers training Judy Clocks for the Elementary School. So that the teachers could teach the small children how to tell the time on a hand operated clock.  It took 2 months for my box to travel from the USA to India. All the training clocks made the long journey with no problems at all.
Sister Punam in Rourkela, Orissa did a wonderful job making sure the clocks all made it to the Gaibira Convent for the school in the village once they reached her Convent in Rourkela, Orissa India. 
In all it was a Great Project just in time for Christmas for the Sisters and the children…
Thanks Everyone for your help and support to make this beautiful project happen at a special time of the year for everyone.
Below are a few photos to see.
Ray O