Covid Relief to Rourkela

Covid Relief to Rourkela


Here is another finished story for you to read about buying food for for the poor with the Daughters of the Cross Sisters help in Rourkela.
Covid was very bad in Rourkela and with the Covid lockdown, many people ran out of funds to buy food for their family. 
Please remember there is no welfare, stimulus payments or unemployment payments in India so I felt the need in my heart to reach out and help the beautiful people of Rourkela as best that Children are Angels from Heaven could.
This was a very big project as there are more people who live in Rourkela that needed help. 
Working with the Daughters of the Cross Sisters is always a joy. They know what to do and how to do it.  Each Sister is trained to know what the needs are and then all the Sisters work together with many hands to see that everything is done and done right to help the people.
Scroll till the end of the page to find a PDF report of our finished project from Sister Anupama. Please don’t miss it; open it to read as it tells the story clearly.
Dear Ray, 
I thank you sincerely for your love, concern for each one of us.  We too have not forgotten you but pray everyday for your safekeeping. I hope all of you are keeping well. The parcel has already arrived. Thank you so much for the masks and other things.  We have already started distributing to the poor who cannot afford to buy.  It was so kind of you and your friends to send us. 
Life here has become very uncertain.  We hear death every day of our priests, sisters and relatives of our sisters.  We feel helpless and hopeless.  The Coronavirus is spreading faster than we can imagine. In some of the families everyone is affected. No one is there to take care of them.  Everyone is afraid to go close to them.  Even in my brother’s house and many of our sisters’ families faced this situation.   Many of our Sisters have lost their dear ones. They could not go even for their funeral.  No vaccine is available.  We have registered the names but we keep hearing the shortage of it. We have to live with it. I was the first one to take the vaccine in our Province so I got the second one also. 
Here in our mission we are trying to help some of the families who are affected badly.  We purchase food, sanitizers, masks and reach them to their door steps. They are very grateful to us.  We share what we have with the suffering poor.
The mission hospital here in NuaGaon is turned into Covid center.  Five of our young Sisters have joined the hospital to look after the patients.  I was grateful to them for their daring spirit.  Of course they have to take every precaution to protect themselves. Please keep them in your prayers. 
Please keep us in your prayers.  May the Lord take away this pandemic from this earth. I hope all of you are keeping well Ray.  Please take care of yourselves. 
Yours lovingly,
Dear Ray,
I am sorry I could not write to you earlier than this.  I am so grateful to you for your contribution.  Please find the attached copy where you will find the distribution of your contribution.  The families were very happy to get this especially at this time of struggle.  May God bless you for your kindness.