Warm Blankets for India

Warm Blankets for India

Today I am writing to you about a special project that has just been completed.
We have just crossed the halfway point of the winter of 2023. It gets cold in northern India especially at night, not freezing cold but cold,  like it might be in northern florida during the winter months.
I had started this project in early 2020 with the buying of blankets here in the USA and had them shipped to Rourkela India for the Daughters of the Cross Sisters to hold for me to hand out later that year. But with the arrival of Covid in the world our work shifted to food and oxygen and the blankets were kept in the box and put in storage until January of this year 2023.
To go along with the box of blankets that I had shipped I sent a few dollars to the  Sisters to buy some blankets at the local market to add to the warm blankets that I had sent earlier in 2020.
Everything worked out perfect.  The Sisters distributed the warm blankets to many people in Rourkela as well as in the villages where the Sisters have Convents and work to help people.
It was a lot of work for the Sisters but each one did a fantastic job getting the blankets to the people in need.
I will forever be thankful for all your help and support for this project to reach out and help others.
Below you will find a few photos to see…   Because of the amount of photos taken I will have to send them in different mails to you .. 
I want you to see each one of them as they are special ..