Christmas in the USA – 2023

Christmas in the USA – 2023

Because of your Generosity, My wife Patty along with myself were able to buy many toys this year not just for The Marines Toys for Tots Charity toy drive at Christmas,  but also for another Charity in need called Christmas in the City. 
Patty and I had a nice time all afternoon picking out many small gifts to send to both Charities for many poor Children at Christmas.
After our shopping, everything was brought home and sorted out and a few days later brought to the collecting area for each Charity. It took a few days to get everything done in the time frame that is required from each charity before the deadline for Christmas.
I have to tell you that it is a GREAT honor for myself along with Patty to do this work each year that represents all of us who are in the Children are Angels from Heaven Family to help children in need as best that we can,  no matter where it is in the world.
Below you will see a few photos of everything that your generosity bought this year for many children at Christmas time in the USA.
From The bottom of my heart I thank all of you.