The Extension of the Don Bosco Training Center
An extension of the Don Bosco Training Center was desired to improve the skills of the children and to improve the training facilities to enable more children in the Vocational Training Center to learn more suitable skills. In this regard, it was Don Bosco’s desire to construct a shed of 18 ft. x 65 ft., including roofing and concrete flooring, which would cost Rs. 60,927.50. It was very difficult for Don Bosco to raise the money needed to build the shed. The estimated cost of the Extension to the Training Center (in rubies) was as follows:
Total Area = 65 ft. length x 16 feet width (roofing and concrete flooring). The structure will be from various size of pipes and GI sheet roof as follows:
1. 2 inch pipe 500 ft. x Rs. 17.80 = 8,900.00
2. 1 1/2 inch pipe 125 ft x Rs. 13.50 = 1,687.50
3. 4 inch pipe 100 ft. x Rs. 68 = 6,800.00
4. 250 mm x 250 mm x 5 mm thick plate 20 pcs 50 kg x Rs. 22 = 1,100.00
5. GI Sheet 44 nos. 8′ x 3 1/2′ x 24 gauge x Rs. 285 = 12,540.00
6. Floor 65 ft. x 8 x 40 = 20,800.00
7. Electrods = 950.00
8. Labor (Fabrication) = 5,000.00
9. Labor (Others) = 2,000.00
10. Bolts and Nuts = 650.00
11. Paint = 500.00
TOTAL COST = Rs. 60,927.50.
Through the generosity of many people, Children Are Angels was able to collect donations to help construct the extension of the Training Center and, as a result, was able to benefit and enrich the lives of destitute children in and around Calcutta. Pictures of the completed shed are shown below.
For more information about Don Bosco see below:
BACKGROUND: Don Bosco brought about a revolution in the field of education and, in a very specific manner, in the care of the uncared youth by his being among them with reason respect for the Divine and love for the neighbor. Don Bosco lives on today in Ashalayam, which welcomes every youngster from the streets and railway stations, irrespective of caste, color, creed or sex. The young person is given an opportunity to build a future of his own by honest personal labor in a just and respectable manner. The aim of the organization is to help any street/destitute child towards complete rehabilitation. Don Bosco inspires a lost child to get back to his/her own family. If that is not possible, they empower the child by education and training to get a job, buy a plot of land and a house, all with a matching contribution from Ashalayam. The child is helped to form a family of his own and become a contributing citizen of the country.
In the beginning of Ashalayam, the street kids could bring along their “collection” of the day, such as paper, plastics, bottles, etc., with Ashalayam facilitating a better sale deal. Gradually, the need of inculcating a work culture was felt. Simple trades, which could generate more income than rag picking were introduced, like book-binding, photo framing, tea-packing, chalk making, sale of exercise books, etc. Children who did not have the inclination to go to school, or could not cope with their studies, were encouraged to get trained in more skilled trades and be self-employed. They were encouraged to earn and save. Students were also encouraged to work some time matching contribution arranged by Don Bosco Ashalayam to purchase a plot of land, build a house, buy a machine to be self-employed and thus become useful and contributing members of the community.